Thursday, October 1, 2009


so ive been trying to think of products we can advertise for in our magazine. thinking along the terms of old products vs new, i've decided to list some of the stuff im working on now so we can do more and save time. im currently doing concepts for red bull, a product that surprisingly plays a huge role in our society today.
other products ive thought of are household items, both old and new? or services such as UPS or Club Med, another im working on right now, which can be interesting to do for both past or future. anyway please leave suggestions for these ads and a general idea that applies for our magazine. thanks guys


  1. I think doing one on microwaves and television would be interesting considering how much it changed even 10 years ago alone. =]

  2. I like the red bull one; we are a society addicted to uppers, downers, lefters, screamers, etc. That store I mentioned, the Echo Park Time Travel Mart, that's all it is - products with ironically provided. Maybe I can swing by there today for a look.

  3. Also worth recalling was that one ad image in the John Berger handout (with the classical portrait of the woman on a sofa, which is turned into part of an ad for hammocks) That can be an idea for a format; something that juxtaposes images with histroic connotations with present needs/wants/issues (that would have been completely inconceivable even one generation ago).

    (I think for the sake of our class, it shouldn't be presented as just an ad- merely hocking something- but more of a statement)
