Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Fortune Teller From Hell

What sort of market are we going to find ourselves in once we are dumped in the alley ways of the LA art district, or at the commissary food compacter out back, behind Disney Studios or some other brick edifice housing this or that company responsible for the hiring and firing of art center graduates. For the sake of gauging how we'll go about paying back student loans, or anticipating the future pleasure of telling your starving peers that "you told them so", lets see how far into the future we can project our critical practice minds. If the media infused world is changing so rapidly, and humanities sense of space and time is getting more and more compressed, then what sort of roles as artists and designers can we look forward to playing. To what evil purpose will our talents be applied. I propose writing an articles proposing a variety of scenarios. As much as I would love to incorporate market research, data and numbers elude me so perhaps I'll write it as a bullshit account of an artcenter student visiting a carnival fortuneteller. Veering away from the literal, the hag will divvy out fortunes that address the broader more philosophical possibilities of our roles as artists and designers.

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